Yesterday I went to another knitting get-together and I had brought my denim blue cardi along with me. As I was knitting away it soon became very clear that I would be out of yarn - at least for that particular project - before the cardigan was finished.
To be quite honest it has happened before. Actually, I stopped counting the times I've gone back to Fandango for more blue wool. I even feel a little embarrassed that it's a topic every time I speak to Fandango-Sys (the owner of the LYS). So being used to this situation should somehow make the whole thing less stressful, right? No such thing. The problem is that 1) the last time I went down to Fandango I believe I took the very last right colour and dye lot ball of the much wanted yarn, and 2) today it's Sunday, so I can't even defy the increasing level of embarrassment and phone Fandango-Sys.... again. Tomorrow, however, it will once again be Monday. Usually I don't care too much for Mondays - but I think I'll make an exception this one time :)
Just in case you were wondering how things are with the cardigan itself...
So, what do you think? I like it.
Åh nej, jeg håber, du får det garn, du skal bruge. Den er virkelig flot :)
Tak! :) Ja, jeg krydser dælme også fingre, men det går nok.
Den er kjempefin! Den blir du flott med - bare du får tak i mer garn ;)
Tusind tak, Tone! Jeg glæder mig meget til at få den på :)
Karin - det lyder virkelig bekendt :P Når jeg køber garn hos Kashmir til "frie" projekter er det nærmest helt sikkert at jeg mangler en nøgle...
Håber Sys kan skaffe mere af det parti du bruger - jeg synes kanten er superflot og farven ligeså :)
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