Saturday 14 March 2009

Making arrangements....

I'm about to tire you with some more Shetland stuff, so here's your chance to get away in time ;)

I've bought the plane tickets, booked a room for 5 nights at a B&B in the centre of Lerwick, I've contacted a car rental agency, and I've told Connie from Lerwick when I expect to come visit her at the LYS. I have even tried to make a small list of the things to see and places to visit while I'm there. Moe has agreed to lent me his camera and I have located my rain jacket. I sort of know where my pasport is and sooner rather than later I'll do a quick search for the GBPs we have lying around in the house (a couple of days ago I found a tenner in the car - weird). This should mean that I'm as ready as you can expect me to be, right? :)
Obviously I'll bring my needles (and a little yarn too) and my running gear (still training for the Hamburg Marathon).
It's been around ten years since I went abroad on my very own. It will be strange somehow, but also nice. I need this - you know, to recharge.

Have I forgotten something? Are there places I simply have to visit? Are there knitting related events I cannot miss? Let me know :)


Anonymous said...

Jeg er litt misunnelig på turen din! Jeg er enig med deg at regnjakken har høy prioritet når du skal til Shetland :-). Og et skjerf til halsen, kanskje? Med pass, løpesko og kreditkort tror jeg du har alt du trenger. Enjoy!

Else said...

Tusind tak for hilsnen på ravelry Karin :) - jeg kan ikke få ravelry til at makke ret i dag.
Håber du får en skøn tur med tid til masser af strik og strikkerelaterede oplevelser :D

Karin aka Guin said...

Tak til jer begge. Jeg glæder mig vildt til turen! :)