Wednesday 7 October 2009


Christmas will be here before we know it. And this year I'm doing what I usually advise people against - don't ask. I've decided to knit a bunch of Christmas presents, so I thought it would be a good idea to start now. Or may months ago, but the fact is that I've only just begun.

I plan to knit and crochet socks, hats, scarfs, etc. for most people in my family. For once it's a good thing that my family isn't that big. Right now I have 7 things on my to-do list. One down, six to go. I might add a few things to the list - it all depends on how well this is going by the time we leave November :)

I'm also working on a Christmas stocking for Emily in the US. It's one of those swaps on that I'm participating in. So much fun.

When I find the time for it I'll begin knitting the little elves I presented to you a couple of weeks ago. I bought the things needed just the other day, so no going back now :)

Are you doing any Christmasy things yet?


Lisbeth said...

Åh ja, jeg er også startet. 2 par sokker er i gavekassen, nu mangler jeg bare tre par futter, et sjal, et tørklæde og et par muffedisser. Og hvis jeg ikke når det, er det bare ærgeligt. Jeg vil også nyde processen. Lige nu vil jeg bare af med forkølelsen.... Blev meget inspireret af at læse om din tur til Shetland, det ville jeg gerne gøre efter.

Unknown said...

I have my priorities straight. First of all, I have to finish the skistockings for my husband. I only started them 16 years ago.

In other words: no, I'm not going to knit any Christmas presents!

Else said...

Glæder mig til at se dit færdige nisseprojekt - dine julegaver får vi jo sikkert først at se efter jul eller? ;)
Jeg planlægger ingen hjemmestrikkede julegaver i år - fokus er på ting til junior :)