Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Auction - 'sock it to me scarf' and basic tam

I'm lucky to have a great ravelry friend who lives in California. Some weeks ago (or has it been months already?) she sent some things to me; some that I really needed, e.g. a cable needle size 7mm - impossible to come by in Denmark - and some not so needed but much more interesting and entertaining, e.g. a CD with the music she listens to at the moment, nice :) I was so delighted when I opened the package! And because I really thought that it was something special, I wanted to pay her back. But my Californian ravelry friend didn't want money or anything else for herself. Instead she suggested that I could donate something for the upcoming charity auction - great idea! I'm in - and here are a couple of the pieces I'm sending off to the US...

I hope my contributions will do well :)


Anonymous said...

Jeg er altså ret vild med dit bidrag Karin - men billederne yder hverken tørklædet eller huen retfærdighed. De er endnu skønnere i virkeligheden :D
Fik slet ikke spurgt om huen er eget design eller hvem der har designet det skønne mønster?

Karin aka Guin said...

Tusind tak, Else! Opskrifterne kommer fra de to bøger 'one-skein wonders' :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, sa mye fint lager!! Hilsen siddis in Houston

Karin aka Guin said...

Tak Siddis - det gav også penge i kassen, heldigvis :)