Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Elderflower skirt

The designer behind the pattern for 'Hyld' (Elderflower) is Ruth Sørensen. I fell in love with the pattern the first time I saw it - and since I was looking for something a little bigger than a scarf but not a cardigan or anything else with two sleeves, it seemed like the perfect project to dig into. I like the fact that not only does Ruth know everything about design, knitting, weaving - she also understands that it must be fun to make! The idea behind 'Hyld' is that you can use whatever yarn you have lying around. You don't even have to make a swatch! This fact alone must make the pattern extremely appealing to a lot of knitters out there.

The skirt was fun to knit - in fact I think I might knit another one. Heaven knows I have enough yarn (enough yarn = enough yarn for this particular project.... otherwise, there's never enough, but being a real Knitter, you knew that, right?).


nina said...

The skirt is magnificent - and it suits you perfectly. Good job!

Anonymous said...

Nej hvor er din Hyld sød Karin :)

Rikke said...

Er knapperne også lavet af Hyld? :)
Jeg er selv i gang med nederdelen - og synes også den er genialt udtænkt.

Karin aka Guin said...

Tak til både Nina og Else for de søde ord.

Og til Rikke: nej, knapperne er mit eget valg - jeg faldt for det rustikke look :)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous - it suits you really well. It looks perfect! :)