Monday, 13 December 2010

A gift for Ms. Fujiwara

Before leaving for Japan I made this for Hirokos mother - we would be staying at her place for quite some time and I wanted to thank her for her hospitality.
Please forgive me for the poor quality of the photos - I took the pictures two minutes before leaving and the sun wasn't up yet.

Three balls of Arwetta, a dpn size 3.0 mm and approx. two weeks of knitting.


Tine said...

Hvor er det smukt!
En super fin værtindegave.

Karin aka Guin said...

Tak - hun blev heldigvis også meget glad for det :)

pip said...

It's beautiful :)

Karin aka Guin said...

Thanks, pip! :) I was fun to knit and Ms. Fujiwara seemed pleased with it too.

Camilla said...

Faldt lige over din blog. hurra, kan se at du allerede har strikket strømper i zauberball, det er jeg lige gået igang med, og jeg er SÅ spændt på resultatet. Jeg melder mig som fast læser her og glæder mig til at se mere strik :-)