My friend past away last week - it's still very surreal. And in spite of the fact that everything seems a bit pointless I decided to stick to the original plan, i.e. to participate in the much awaited 'tour de yarn'. Pindsvinet and I had planned to visit all the lovely yarn shops in our home city and I certainly needed a laugh. The whole thing began at ten this morning. We went from shop to shop and at around noon we both felt a wee bit peckish, which resulted in: 1 lovely burger with potatoes on the side + 1 glass of elder flower lemonade, and 1 very nice sandwich with ham and feta + 1 glass of elderberry lemonade :)
With our stomachs filled to the max. we continued our search for more beautiful and extremely necessary yarn. The shops closed so we headed down to a café for a cup of coffee [= cappuccino and rich monster biscuits].
Even though the shops all closed much too early for my taste, I still managed to buy this:
And what you don't see in this photo is the Rowan yarn that had to be ordered.... Mmmmmm.... yaaaaarn...... :)
Har I besøgt alle garnbutikker i Århus og nærmeste omegn? :P Det er virkelig noget flot garn du har købt.
Karin hvor får man godt garn til fair priser i Århus?
'Alle' er måske lige så meget at sige, men mange er i hvert fald sandt :) Jeg synes, Fandango havde en del til ret fair priser.
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